Book club questions #2

1# the friendship of ally,Albert and Keisha.

2#  so last year i had a friend named Brett.l he was from California just like me so that was it we had nothing in common so i stared to ask him about California and that is when we became best friends. Until the summer we kind of just lost touch when he left the school but we are are still talking to him over texting so that was a unexpected relationship.

3# what a 5 things that make a friendship good?

3 thoughts on “Book club questions #2”

  1. 1. Them talking to you whenever they can even if they’re busy
    2. Never being mean in a way that it Actually hurts your feelings
    3. When they can always make you laugh
    4. When they always want to hang out
    5. When they’re nice to your family and other friends!!

    1. I think that a good friendship should have trust, loyalty to one another, rely on each other, to stand up for your friend and to comfort them when there sad.

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